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A Call to Action
Stand up for the rights of women by imagining a reality where stepping outside your home requires permission, being forced into a marriage with someone three times your age is a harsh reality, and dictating your choice of clothing is beyond your control. Women across the globe face discrimination based on gender, with one in three experiencing physical or sexual violence. Join the advocacy for women's rights with a monthly contribution to Amnesty International UK and together, let's end the unjust treatment of women and girls worldwide.
Empowering Change Locally and Globally
Furthermore, we firmly believe in the influential role that African women in the UK can play in reshaping attitudes and mindsets regarding harmful practices in both UK and African communities. Our community training programs equip them with the skills to become advocates for change among their peers, families, and the broader community.
Engaging Communities for Transformation
Engaging with local communities is at the heart of our approach. We do so in a compelling and accessible manner, raising awareness about issues such as FGM and various forms of violence against women and girls. Through customized training and support services, we aim to encourage and empower women, girls, and men to exercise their rights and emerge as leaders and advocates for change within their communities. Community engagement unfolds at public events, community spaces, schools, and places of worship.